Carmel Valley Library

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

‘Late Migrations’ by Margaret Renkl

Growing up in Alabama, Renkl was a devoted reader, an explorer of riverbeds and red-dirt roads, and a fiercely loved daughter. Here, in brief essays, she traces a tender and honest portrait of her complicated parents—her exuberant, creative mother; her steady, supportive father—and of the bittersweet moments that accompany a child’s transition to caregiver. Braided into this collection of essays are beautiful observations of the world around her suburban Nashville home. The book is also illustrated by her brother Billy Renkl. A gorgeous book for the end of summer.

‘Wintering’ by Katherine May

A beautifully written, poignant book for the times we are in. Katherine May combines memoir with fascinating research on how the dark times – times marked by grief, loss of a job, breakup of a relationship, or sudden illness – are an opportunity to slow down and look around and learn. The book recognizes the need for wintering and embracing the cyclical, not linear, journey in life. May references the natural, mythical and spiritual world in relation to winter and ties this in to people’s personal phases of wintering. “Those darkest moments are where the true learning of winter happens, and they’re often where we can begin to imagine our next steps.”

‘The Umbrian Thursday Night Supper Club’ by Marlena de Blasi

These are not cozy, warm times. We all are suffering. If you read ‘The Umbrian Thursday Night Supper Club’ by Marlena de Blasi you will find some reprieve. A group of women gather to cook and eat and in the process the reader discovers their intimate stories. The women become fast and loyal friends who trust and grow with each other. This is a real treat to read. Enjoy!

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